What are the Odds?

Odds in favor and odds against. I really had not put much mathematical thought into the simple question, "what are the odds?" It surprised me when I encountered some of these math problems in our probability homework/unit. First, I really had no idea how to calculate these problems. Second, I really hadn't thought about the fact that you could calculate the odds of something occurring. I feel as though I knew this was possible, but hadn't given it much thought. I was excited to learn how to work out these problems and how I could find the odds in favor of an event happening or the odds against that event occurring.

I could not remember a time where I calculated the odds of an event. I really enjoyed the definitions and examples that this website provided for odds in favor and odds against, Mathplanet. This gave me an idea of what these questions were actually asking of me. I found the formulas of odds in favor and odds against from our Textbook to be extremely helpful as well!

I found myself genuinely enjoying solving these problems. I thought it was really interesting that these could apply to many real world problems. I could actually see myself applying this knowledge to certain problems I encounter in my life. I'm glad I got to learn a little more about Odds and how to calculate them.
Now....what do we think the odds are that I will get an A in this class?


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